Services Available During Covid-19
The current pandemic is stressful and traumatic. I'm here to help you!
Currently, I am providing a limited number of appointments in person, following Governor Baker’s plan, and adhering to all protocols for providing “close personal contact”.
I also continue to provide virtual, on-line healing sessions. Clients who have chosen this option continue to marvel at how effective on-line sessions are.
Let’s continue to stay safe, and be well.
“the path isn’t a straight line;
it’s a spiral.
you continually come back to things you thought you understood
and see deeper truths.”
Whether you are just beginning your spiral journey to healing, or coming back again to find deeper truth and healing,
You are welcome here.
I've spent over 30 years walking with others on their healing journey.
I'm ready to walk with you on yours.
You can find much more information about me, The Spiral Path, and my approach to mult-dimensional healing in this website.
Feel free to explore.
Contact me if you have questions.
When you are ready, I look forward to meeting you.