1 hour: $113.50
Want to get all the benefits of Tai Chi, but can't find a class near you?
Can't find a class that fits into your schedule?
You've tried a class before and the instructor didn’t explain the moves?
You can't find an instructor who can address your particular concerns?
1 to 1 Coaching is the perfect solution!
Convenient: Schedule your lessons at a time that works for you
Private: You get my full attention--all in the privacy of your own home/setting
Personalized: Lessons are geared to you--your needs, your concerns, your questions
Proceed at your own pace:--you can space your lessons close together or far apart
Video recording for your own practice: I'll send you a recording of your lesson, so you can watch it over and over
Personal Support: Got a question? E-mail me. I’m here to support you, so you have e-mail access between sessions.
A small sample of Chen Tai Chi
In Person or On-Line, the choice is yours
You are welcome to book your lesson in my office, or in the comfort of your own home via zoom. Whatever works best for you.
Contact me for more information
1 hour: $113.50
“Great First Session. I had my first private tai chi session with Johanna yesterday and it was wonderful. I’ve been away most of the summer and missed a lot of classes. Johanna videoed the first segment of the tai chi form so I can practice at home, which is very helpful. I’m looking forward to more sessions.”
— P. Tai Chi student
“Great First Session. I had my first private tai chi session with Johanna yesterday and it was wonderful. I’ve been away most of the summer and missed a lot of classes. Johanna videoed the first segment of the tai chi form so I can practice at home, which is very helpful. I’m looking forward to more sessions.”
— P. Tai Chi student